
departments such as Bell Labs

this fall, providing analysis of trending topics in the form of video clips embedded in promoted tweets. In Tomchak's words, the endeavor aims "to decipher why and how trends are happening on social media around the world." Over the past few months, Twitter has inked a number of Hermes Birkin Handbagsdeals with broadcasters like ESPN and A&E to promote their videos in tweets, though the BBC partnership is the first time original content has been made specifically with Amplify in mind. High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright P , ultimately, for laws

 – econophysicists such as Stanley are trying to explain things that traditional financial theories do not. In the past five years alone, investors have had to endure a US housing market collapse, a global credit crunch and a stock market “flash crash”. That is a lot of flying cutlery. When future historians debate the genealogy of chickens and eggs up to the credit crisis, one question will be whether rocket scientists came to finance because of its Hermes Evelyneincreasing complexity or whether finance became increasingly complex because of the rocket scientists. Banks and hedge funds have lured physicists for more than two decades, from the shrinking ranks of academic science or

 from corporate research departments such as Bell Labs in the US. The heads of trading desks were hungry for anyone who could bring new theory to the chaos of the markets or who could mo To get there were things I was not Hermes Paris Bombay Bagsallowed to wear, but she helped guide me. She always told me to be myself, try things, but always be appropriate. She instilled good taste and appreciation for quality. If you put two similar items in front of me, I'll pick the more expensive one every time.a glimpse of what #BBCTrending has in store, check out the video after the break.

