
allegations of poisonous candy

witter account. Then — as though it had been boiling within me all these years — my latent narcissism sprung to the Prada Messenger Bagsurface, fully formed, like Athena emerging from Zeus’ head. e charreadas that started her career, but she has not forgotten where she came from . We wish her lots of luck with this nomination and hope she makes it to the Hall of Fame. To vote for who gets the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame spot this time around, please visit their official site. Read more Blogamole's News and Chisme here. CORRECTION: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated Ronstadt has one Spanish-language album. The Mexican star recorded several albums in Spanish, including "Más Canciones" and "Frenesí." You guys, it’s just so easy to take selfies now! My iPhone camera has that little flip-the-camera-around button and I

 can see see exactly what I look like, meaning the ratio of beautiful art gems to terrible mistakes is higher than ever. Plus, have you seen those complexion-flattering Instagram filters? Don’t get me wrong, I still hate and judge selfies, and yet they flow from me like a Prada Nappa Bagsself-indulgent river. candy are almost all myth. According to University of Delaware sociologist, Joel Best, who has been investigating allegations of poisonous candy for 30 years, there has not been a single confirmed example of a stranger murdering a child in this way. Though there has been one case where a child has died due to contaminated candy, the incident was not at the hands of a stranger, but rather, the child’s father. On Halloween 1974, 8-year-old Timothy O’Brien consumed a cyanide-laced Pixie Stix acquired while trick or treating.

 That night, O’Brien died. Although the cheap Prada Pursespoisoning initially appeared as the work of a stranger, the investigation soon centered on Timothy’s father, Ronald Clark O’Brien. Investigation proved that a few days prior to the death, the father, took out $40,000 life insurance policy on Timothy. To even further cover his track I only have three selfies on my Instagram right now. Wait, four, because I just posted the below pic. (SEE?) They’re okay. But they’re not amazing. I want them to be better. I want them to be perfect. After all, 2013 is all about social media, social media is all about image-crafting, and image-crafting is all about pret

