
a reinterpretation is his 1998

its hospitable ecosystem, however Miuccia Prada and Damien Hirst have transformed the arid landscape with a new project. Entitled ‘Prada Oasis and Damien Hirst’s Pharmacy Juice Bar’, two tents have been erected on the coastline north of Doha – one a Prada store mock-up and the other a Hirst installation. Built to resemble a modern Bedouin encampment, the Hermes lindyephemeral artworks lasted only two days.etBlue takes the cake with Southwest a close runner-up. Not only do both airlines offer approved-size pet carriers for sale, but their pet travel info pages are robust. Add to this the fact that both airlines don't charge more than $100 for an in-cabin pet and don't charge for your first checked bag (which is important as you'll likely be checking a bag since your pet carrier counts as a carry-on), and you've got winners. JetBlue's bonus 300 TrueBlue points for each pet flight leaves them the leader of the pack. Hirst’

s Pharmacy Juice Bar is a reinterpretation is his 1998 ‘Pharmacy Restaurant’ with many motifs from the original transported to the desert – human skeletons, pharmaceutical patterns, medical Hermes constance handbagimagery and neon signage.g Nigerian feminist about "girls whose thighs touch" and a first-person piece by an 18st fashionista. Interrupt has also explored the issue of race, with contributions on the subject of not feeling "black enough", race in adoption and mixed-race relationships. There is certainly a whiff of the right-on Brooklyn hipster about the Lab, but Russell believes that diversifying imagery in the mainstream media is not just desirable, but inevitable. "Fashion is capitalism, and it will be fixed by what the market demands." At the opening of her

talk she declared, "image is powerful. But image Hermes faux crocodileis also superficial." A shot of her from an advertising campaign, in a steamy clinch with a male model, his hand in the back pocket of her jeans, was projected behind her, and she told the audience: "At this point I had not even had a boyfriend. I was totally uncomfortable and the photographer was telling me to arch my back and put my hand in that guy's hair." A shot of her in a swimsuit looking smoking hot was beamed onto the screen. When it was taken, she says, she hadn't even started her periods yet. "These pictures are not pictures of me; they are constructions" - the result of pro On display in the Prada store replica was a range of only 30 bags designed for the occasion by Prada and Hirst called ‘Entomology’. Over the two days, a silent auction took place on 20 of the limited edition bags. The ten remaining bags will be archived as art proofs by Prada and Hirst.

