
Liyuan style: First Lady of China is now a global fashion icon!

Peng Liyuan is counted among the 100 most influential women in the world, now it is also the world's Best Dressed list. It decodes power styleGucci backpack The Internet is full of the message of the First Lady of China, the beginnings of Peng Liyuan International Best Dressed List from a high fashion magazine, although the symbol of the most famous fashion in world politics is the First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama conspicuously absent on them. Peng style earned him many followers in his country, where women have traditionally had little or no role in public policy. Peony Fairy Liyuan a celebrity she was also the Chinese leader Xi Jinping married before. A folk singer, Liyuan was a familiar part of the programs of the Chinese New Year national television. It was Peony Fairy nickname sing patriotic songs, especially 80s and 90s, a sweet soprano voice. Peng-tastic Fashion The fascination with China Liyuan began almost immediately after her husband officially took office in March this year. Photos of a young lady Peng of Netease Women found, and even by the state Xinhua News Agency shared. His style was followed by fashion editorials and bloggers, as Xi exercise "soft power" of China during his visits abroad with his wife. Liyuan coat and scarf, looking for a first visit to Moscow with her husband, portals were inspired fashion coats with first lady who sold online in China. A blog named Peng outfits - with the punch line, "Peng-tastic Fashion '- has a" Get the Look feature to help fans of the First Lady to imitate his style! The Liyuan style Liyuan in his country, not only for their fashion sense is wanted, but also represent the great Chinese dream, she's ready, confident and modern, such as China would occur. The Liyuan style, as it is known in Chinese cyberspace, has come to symbolize the spirit of the country.Gucci belt bag

