
fashion students create outfits for plus size women

  For their class product development, decided Cornell clothing second year design students Brandon Wen

twenties and Laura, a collection of clothes for plus size women specially developed for their study was to

create a neglected market.

But they faced a barrier beginning: While some clothes are made exclusively for larger women that there is a

lack of full-figured models available, and the few that there are some similar versions of thin women like

Barbie proportions scale. Undeterred, the students built their own form of plus size dress.

Under the direction of Susan Ashdown, Helen G. Canoyer professor in the Department of Fiber Science &

Apparel Design (FSAD) at the College of Human Ecology, they analyzed thousands of 3-D body scans of women, a

prototype body shape and size to define. The team matched a single scan of a pear shape, 24 female body

scanners in 3-D FSAD department and size are used to develop a model for the shape and contours of their

model. Then they used laser cutting machine cut a half inch think foam Ministry pieces and stacked and

bonded layers to their model, a form of dress half scale, the designers develop prototype allows creating

clothes that are then reproduced at full scale.

"This is a wonderful example of the use of innovative technologies to support the design work," Ashdown

said. "Rather than just something designed to enhance the size of a woman, or even think about clothes as

something to hide a body or make it look different than it is a body, the students tried to celebrate than

how it really is. "

In her presentation at the last class on 13 May twenties, Wen and student exchange Abbey Jennings presented

her collection called Women Rubens, after the famous Flemish painter for his illustrations of the full-

figured women. It has four jackets, skirts and trousers designed to complement the curves of larger women.

Wen, the lead designer for the project, said he hopes such a line could alleviate stress many plus size

women when browsing in stores or online, where their purchases often ends in frustration faced in ill-

fitting clothes.

"Many businesses are not plus sizes in the store, so people have to go and find online, and it is difficult

to find online," Wen said. "In addition, many plus size women do not want in regular stores around thin

clients shop is a little self-awareness."

The team has also developed a marketing plan and also negotiated with San Francisco-based manufacturer to

develop a recommended price of their line.

They noticed a huge opportunity to market research has shown that plus size women to buy 28 percent of the

electricity for clothes and accessories that entertain, but spend only 17 percent of purchases by Zwanziger.

"A lot of clothing [for plus size women] are really just small volumetric proportions that fit really

strange," Zwanziger said. "The women feel alienated size of the industry."

Make a line of clothing specifically for larger women is a process very different, but important, Ashdown


"Health issues aside, we all body shapes and proportions of the body," she said. "Everyone deserves to have

clothes designed for them as they are and not as they appear on certain forms of abstract industry in


